Sunday, May 11, 2008


Former SGH physiotherapist convicted of molesting patient . He tells woman to lower her jeansn touches her n says it is part of pelvic examination. For those who didnt read this article in the New Paper on the 30th of April,heres a breakdown.. Ard 2pm on 9th Sep 2005,Yap attended to the married woman at a curtained cubicle. She told him about her lower back pain and he taught her to do exercise on her chair and on the bed to strengthen her muscles. Yap is the name of the convicted physiotherapist btw. When Yap asked her if she had sex problems,she said she seldom had sex because of the back pain. I guess dat prolly turned the farker on. He den proceeded to get a towel and then asked her if she would mind if he put his gloved fingers "inside" to check her "muscles". At this point of time if the married woman had taken a wee bit of caution she would have asked the physiotherapist wad do u mean by inside and had that clarified..He asked her to lower her jeans n covered her abdomen with a towel. She testified tat she suddenly felt his finger in her private parts and was asked to contract her muscles. She had thought "inside" meant in her jeans,to check her back muscles. Lesson learnt just cos hes a docter or a physiotherapist never leave anything to chance,their occupation may be divine but they are not god.. Although the method of treatment dat the physio did on her was recognised he was supposed to ask the patient if she felt any pain when she coughed,sneezed or laughed. He had no right to do dat particular "treatment" on her as she said she did not suffer from urinary stress incontinence therefore his intentions are pretty clear. Its because of black sheeps like Yap dat i have reservations whenever any female from my family n my gf for dat matter has to see a male doc to get themselves checked. It impossible to identify a pervert from a sincere docter so its always best to get clarifications before a particular treatment is done or not to carry on with it if u feel uncomfortable. If the doc presses on ur breast when u complaint is of stomach illness ,slap the living shit outta him n immediately make a police report,dunt keep quiet n come back home to cry to ur husbands.. This pple disgrace the sacred occupation of saving lives n its our right to put this rotten souls behind bars.

This was an article on the 2nd of May. Rukhma an Afghan woman was jailed for adultery when she was raped n her attacker killers her three year ol son. Her rapist battered her toddler son before her eyes.Her sentence was a 4 year ol jail sentence n her crime,adultery n "escaping from house" in Pakistan. The truth is she was trafficked,along with her 3 year ol son,across the border from Pakistan.She was handed over to an Afghan who raped her. More often den not,a woman fleeing domestic violence or accusing a man of rape,often ends up as the guily party. In parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan,a woman who runs away from home is typically suspected of having a lover and can be prosecuted for adultery. The chief gigolo who oversaw her case said she got off lightly. The gigolo i referred to is actually the judge. He said if his wife goes to the bazaar without his permission,he will kill her. This is our culture he said. Fuck u n ur assfucking culture i say.. Reading this article literally made me see red,how can this happen ?? Its not enough hangin the Saddam hussiens of this world,such male chauvinist scumbags should be shot right in their balls. This same religious men are the ones who claim that its ok in their religion to marry as many as they wan n yet they wan to kill their wife for going to the bazaar.. Allah promotes such things ?? Haha,no its infact us humans who follow such nonsense blindly in the name of religion n god so quit using Allah as an excuse.

N we have women in this country who are taking their freedom for granted. Haa. God bless their confused souls.